Some Long Island Property Tax Fees Found Unconstitutional

Blog May 14, 2020 By Admin

Finally, some judges are agreeing that Long Island’s broken property tax system has gone as far as being unconstitutional. What does this mean in savings for you? How can you save even more and pay a fair amount of annual property taxes, and put an end to being ripped off?

While governments have been sounding the alarm about price gouging and hoarding in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, it appears Nassau County has also been found guilty of price gouging its own residents instead of serving and helping, or even cutting the same types of breaks being demanded of landlords.

Unemployment has soared to almost 40 million new claims in the past few weeks according to Bloomberg News Goldman Sachs predicts unemployment will hit 25% before this is over. Many communities could see true unemployment rates of double that.

It will likely be weeks before some Long Island businesses are allowed to reopen. From a look at the states which have already reopened, that doesn’t mean everything will reopen, or bounce back to the way it used to be. Some businesses will never reopen. Most certainly won’t hire back to previous levels.

Yet, despite all of this Nassau County has been increasingly raising some property tax related fees. That’s in addition to new reassessments and tax rate increases. The tax map fee which has crept in and been hiked since 2015 has now been ruled “unlawful and unconstitutional” by a Supreme Court justice.

The $355 tax map fee charged by Nassau County has been deemed to essentially be a junk fee which doesn’t not cover the cost of any valuable service to property owners and taxpayers. While officials are decrying the ruling that may take $40M a year out of their pockets, and could appeal the decision, it is at least temporarily a win for property owners.

It is encouraging to see this win, but there is also a lot more to be saved by homeowners and business owners on Long Island. You must pay your annual property taxes in order to keep your property. That doesn’t mean you should be illegally or unfairly held ransom to whatever number is arbitrarily thrown on your bill.

With the help of Property Tax Adjusters, Ltd. Long Island property owners can appeal their entire bill and enjoy far greater savings. For some this is many thousands of dollars each year.

Keep standing up for your rights!