Requesting a Tax Assessment Reduction in Nassau County

Nassau County
  1. Apply Online using our quick Online Application.
  2. We file a complaint on your behalf with the Nassau County Assessment Review Commission during the Nassau County filing period, which commences on January 1 and ends on March 1 each year.
  3. Nassau County has one year from the filing to conference your case and make an offer of settlement for your property. After conference and if an offer is made, our office will send you the offer and our suggestion of whether to Accept or Reject the offer.
  4. If your offer is accepted, your assessment reduction will be reflected on the first school tax bill in October, the first General tax bill in January, the second school tax bill in April, and the second general tax bill in July. This way, you will see your savings sooner rather than later.
  5. If your offer is rejected or if the County does not make an offer of settlement, our office will file an Appeal on your behalf in April and appear in Court during the summer.
  6. When we achieve a reduction through the appeal process, you can expect to see a reduction in your assessment on your upcoming tax bills. These bills include the first school tax bill in October, the first General tax bill in January, the second school tax bill in April, and the second general tax bill in July. However, the timing of the court hearing may affect when the reduction is reflected in your bills. In case there is a delay, and your Town does not capture the reduction in your bills, then it is possible that you are entitled to a refund for any overpayment.
  7. After you receive your tax bills reflecting your reduced tax assessment, our office will send an award letter and invoice outlining your tax savings.
  8. If we are unable to secure a reduction for you, then there is no cost to you.

Best Property Tax Reduction Services, Nassau County

Not only does Nassau County, NY have some of the highest annual property taxes in the country, but it is estimated that around 50% of all property tax bills sent out each year are incorrect, and often extremely over-inflated.

STOP overpaying on your property taxes now!

Whether you are just buying a new property, have owned your home or business property for years, or have even failed at appealing and getting a property tax refund in the past, we can help.

Use our expert property tax reduction services with no risk, and start saving every year.

Call now and request your FREE EVALUATION to find out how much you could be saving.

How To Lower Property Taxes In Long Island? +
Utilize our professional service to file a property tax grievance in Nassau County.
When Is The Tax Grievance Deadline In Nassau County? +
The deadline for filing a tax grievance in Nassau County is March 1 each year.
How Much Does It Cost To Grieve Taxes? +
You pay nothing upfront with our Long Island Property Tax Reduction Services. No reduction = no fees.
Why Is Property Tax So High In Long Island? +
Property taxes on Long Island are among the highest in the country, not only due to high property values, but as a result of regular annual budgeting, voting tax rates on spending, as well as frequent errors leading to extremely inflated bills.
What Should I Look For In the Best Property Tax Reduction Services for Nassau County? +
Experience, a successful track record of reductions, specializing in your county, and no upfront fees or costs, unless your tax bill is reduced.
How long does the process take? +
The Nassau County filing period begins January 1 – March 1 of every year. This filing is 20-22 months in advance before the affected first half tax bills. Cases settled on the Complaint level are resolved within one year of the filing. Cases settled on the Appeal filed are resolved in upwards of a year and a half from the filing. In either instance, the reduction is reflected on the same property tax bills: your first half October School tax bill, first half January General tax bill, second half April School tax bill, and second half July General tax bill.
How will I see the reduction in my taxes? +
If you pay your taxes directly to the Receiver, you will see a reduced assessment in your tax bills. If pay your taxes with your mortgage, your lending institution will receive your tax bills reflecting your reduced assessment and will analyze your escrow to determine how your new tax bills affect your overall monthly payment.
How does your office get paid? +
We work strictly on a contingency basis. No reduction = No Fee. We wait until you receive the full benefit of your tax savings and then send you our award letter outlining your tax savings and invoice.
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